The ability to study medicine in a tropical location like the Caribbean can be a dream come true, and you may have your sights set on attending a Caribbean medical school. There are several wonderful schools that are fully accredited and that have fabulous locations on gorgeous islands for you to learn more about. They offer the ability to immerse yourself in a new culture, enjoy the beauty and adventure of the Caribbean and work toward a medical degree. However, before you take advantage of the benefits of a Caribbean medical school, consider these points.
The Ability to Visit Friends and Family Regularly
Some people enjoy going away to school. This is a time when independence may be craved, and you may want to venture out on your own as you go through the transformational process of attending medical school and becoming a doctor. Others, however, have very close ties to family and friends, and it can be emotionally devastating for them to be so far from loved ones. Consider your ability to visit loved ones back home or when they visit the island before you apply for Caribbean medical school.
The Cost of Education
Medical school is not cheap on the mainland, and it certainly is not cheap in the Caribbean as well. However, when you attend Caribbean medical school, you are subject to the cost of living for the specific island that you select. You also are responsible for travel expenses to and from the island. Keep in mind that many people studying at a Caribbean medical school will fly back home to visit loved ones a few times each year. This can inflate annual expenses. Tuition also varies considerably from school to school.
Your Future Goals
There are more than 60 medical schools in the Caribbean that you can choose to attend. However, only a handful of these schools are fully accredited according to U.S. standards. If you plan to return to the U.S. to practice medicine after graduating, ensure that you study at one of the few accredited Caribbean medical schools. If you choose to work elsewhere after graduation, there are more school options to consider.
The medical school that you choose to attend may be based on several factors, including which ones accept you into their program. With this in mind, if you have carefully weighed all of the pros and cons associated with attending medical school in the Caribbean and you have decided that this is the option for you, you may consider applying to all schools that have the accreditation you need. This may increase your chance of acceptance at one of the local medical schools.
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